For those of you who doesn't have a credit card but has BDO accounts and is registered to BDO Online banking at , it would be easier for you to pay your bookings at Cebu Pacific website because CEBU PACIFIC AIR does not require enrollment in BDO online banking anymore. Below is the detailed documentation on how I paid my Cebu Pacific Booking using BDO ATM that is registered to BDO Online Banking. The first thing to do is to make it sure that you have selected the fifth tab in where the BDO payment choice is listed. Look at the photo above. 1. Login to BDO Online Banking at 2. Click on The "Pay Bills" icon located at the left under "My Quick Links". See FIGURE 1 below. FIGURE 1 (Screen Grab from BDO Online Banking) 3. If you have multiple accounts registered on your BDO Online banking, select account where you pay from by clicking on the drop-down. (See FIGURE 2 # ...